Tuesday, November 23, 2010


My love affair with TERRA Chips arose from a couple of flights on Porter Airlines, which, like JetBlue Airways, began offering these tasty exotic root-vegetable chips on board its short-haul flights. I call it a love story for a couple of reasons: (1) the scarcity of this product in Canada requires that I go to great lengths to feed my current addiction; and (2) when I do stock up my pantry with these savoury treats, I often devour an entire 170-gram bag in one sitting (per day), which results in a vicious (but very delicious) cycle in my never-ending TERRA Chips adventure.

First of all, these chips aren't like any other (regular) potato chips. These are the real deal, uniquely beautiful both inside and out (what they proudly refer to as "the TERRA difference"), and, in all honesty, the only ones that have succeeded in converting this non-chip-eater to a chip aficionada. When it comes to TERRA, it's all or nothing—the whole package, if you will. Aside from how ridiculously intoxicating these chips are, they really do taste as good as they look and are a guilt-free indulgence ("a full serving of vegetables in every ounce"). From batata and parsnip to taro and yuca, they strike a satisfying balance with their complex, sometimes nutty, yet always intense and delicate bounty of flavours. This truly was ... (sigh!) ... love at first bite!

According to its website, TERRA Chips now come in over 30 varieties but, while their line of products seems to be readily available in hundreds of supermarkets, pharmacies, and health food stores across the United States, it is an odd rarity north of the border, where they are found only in gourmet food markets and in the specialty aisles of select supermarkets here in Toronto. Aside from the stark supply contrast that exists between the United States and Canada, there is also a noticeable price discrepancy that fuels an ongoing debate over cross-border shopping and makes me an avid proponent of it (perhaps something to keep in mind for a future blog posting).

For those residing in the downtown core of Toronto, you won't be able to find TERRA Chips in your local Sobeys, Metro, Rabba, or Longo's supermarkets (trust me—I've even tried different locations of the same store). However, for $6.39 (plus 13% tax), you can enjoy a 170-gram bag at Whole Foods Market in Yorkville (at present, available varieties include: Original, Mediterranean, Zesty Tomato, Sweet Potato, and Sweets and Beets). More recently, I discovered that you can indulge in exactly the same size and variety at Pusateri's for $7.99 but, if you can get yourself to a Loblaws (the closest one downtown is on Lower Jarvis at Queens Quay), that identical bag can be yours for just $4.99!

I'll have to do some research when I'm back in the States, but I have it on good authority that these chips sell for as little as $3.99 ($2.99 on special) at a neighbourhood Gristede's (NYC), though I'm curious to know if prices are consistent among other local retailers (The Food Emporium, Duane Reade, perhaps Dean & Deluca?). I also can't help but wonder how Canadian customs officials would react if they ever stumbled upon a carry-on luggage devoted solely to TERRA Chips while conducting a random baggage search—a humorous scenario if ever there was one ...

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