
In relation to the philosophical musings of Epicurus, the term "epicurean" refers to the belief that happiness in its highest form is achieved through the enjoyment of simple pleasures. In the more modern sense of the word, it has come to be defined as the "appreciation of, and indulgement in, good food, luxury, hedonism, and sensual pleasure." In both cases, the prevalent theme centres around the pursuit of pleasure ... and herein lies the raison d'être of The Epicurean—a bon vivant in search of the good life, la dolce vita, la belle vie.

The Epicurean was conceived with this thought in mind, the notion of working hard so as to play even harder, to expand one's horizons through the eyes of a traveller, to explore new places both here and abroad, and to frequent favourite destinations while meeting interesting people along the way. It's about learning something different, in whichever part of the world life happens to take you, and gaining a better understanding of yourself, as well as an appreciation for the finer things in life. Above all else, it's the experience and enjoyment of life—pure and simple—and making the most of each and every day. Bon appétit and bon voyage! ;)